Alhamdulillah my dear little princess was 8 months old.. She so clever...
Shopping time! |
She put her arms up when I told her to do that. She also move her mouth when I said 'mouth'. Then she know how to show goodbye. She wave her hand when I said 'bye'. I'm really happy to see my baby's know-how increase day by day :)
Arms up! |
On 3rd of March, her upper left teeth was growing.. It's really cute to see that with her two below teethes. So cute! :)
Yes! Now I have 3 teethes! |
On the next day, my baby and I had flight at 5pm from Kuching Airport to KLIA then we transit for 2 hours. On 10:10pm we fly to Kuantan and my family pick-up us at Kuantan Airport. So happy to spend our holiday with family in Kemaman for 3 weeks after half year not meet with them.. :)
Ready to departures.. |
Bye2 daddy.. :( |
In the flight.. Already miss daddy.. :( |