The doctor put some gel on my tummy and he move a small hand-held transducer over my skin to get views of the baby. He examine our baby to see if all the organs have developed normally. Then we see our baby's heartbeat. So now we know that I'm pregnant with one baby.. :)
The doctor also told us accurately date of my pregnancy by measuring our baby. My EDD is on 27th June 2011, and our baby is 17 weeks 5 days. Actually the doctor want to find out the baby's sex but our baby is lying in an awkward position, so it is difficult to tell. But it's OK, maybe our baby is shame.. :)
For me, ultrasound scan gives us the first glimpse of our baby. It also give useful and reliable information about my pregnancy, and I found them enjoyable and reassuring. I will keep a printout of my baby as a keepsake.. :)